Thursday 23 July 2015

(012) To Infinity and Beyond!

I’ve been watching a lot of videos on Beasts of War’s YouTube channel lately. Those guys are obsessed with Corvus Belli’s game; Infinity. They always seem so passionate about it and I can understand why. The Infinity models painted by Angel Giraldez look absolutely incredible and I love their aesthetic and art style.
The last time I started watching their videos back in January I bought a copy of the Infinity two-player starter set ‘Operation Icestorm’. But I never got around to assembling or painting any of the models.
Seven months later and the Beasts of War boys have inspired me again. This time I ordered a copy of the limited edition painting guide book by Angel Giraldez; ‘Painting Miniatures from A to Z – Masterclass Volume 1’. It arrived today along with the limited edition figure ‘Joan of Arc’ from the PanOceania faction.
So this afternoon I decided to take a break from painting my Imperial Knights. I finally broke open ‘Operation Icestorm’ and started to assemble some of the models. The first thing that I noticed is the scale. Infinity is 28mm, just like Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000. But whereas Warhammer 40,000 uses ‘heroic’ scale, Infinity seems to be ‘true-scale’. The difference is significant. The Infinity models look and feel tiny and you start to wonder how you would go about painting them with anything other than a fine-detail brush.
The second thing I noticed is that all Infinity models seem to be metal, I don’t think they make anything in plastic or resin. I’m not keen on metal models, or on resin ones either for that matter. But the models I ordered from Statuesque Miniatures recently showed me that metal models don’t have to be a nightmare.
Infinity models are however a waking nightmare of poorly fitting together pieces and superglue everywhere miraculously failing to hold anything together except your fingers.
I assembled five and hated every minute I spent preparing and assembling them. I tried to persevere, but I couldn’t face any more. I nearly lost all interest in table-top wargaming and assembling and painting miniatures. I have discovered that Infinity is not for me, I just wish that I had discovered that before I had spent so much money.
I have decided to sell my ‘Operation Icestorm’ set on eBay. I’m hoping to raise enough money to cover, or offset, the cost of a starter set for the X-Wing Miniatures game or the new ‘Halo: Fleet Battles’ from Spartan Games. I still want to pick up a copy of ‘Warhammer: Age of Sigmar’ but that’s a lot more models to add to the Unpainted Legion.
Current Size of the Unpainted Legion: 244 models.
Currently Reading: ‘Scars’ by Chris Wraight.

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