Sunday 19 July 2015

(011) Hobby Progress. Project 001: Imperial Knights (Part IV)

I am still working on my two new Imperial Knights. I haven’t put as much time and work into them lately as I would like. I’ve recently had a mild case of hobby burn-out and I’ve also been distracted by ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’. That said, they are marching ever closer to completion, it won’t be long now until they’re finished.
I have a long weekend booked off of work at the end of the month and I’m hoping to have completed the Imperial Knights by then, so I can start/resume work on another project. Working on two similar models simultaneously for an hour or so a day has felt really productive. I’m considering moving on to my two half-finished super-heavy tanks next using the same strategy.
My Knight Crusader will be armed with an Avenger Gatling Cannon and a Rapid-fire Battle Cannon. I’m not keen on the short, tapering barrel of the vanilla Imperial Knight kit Rapid-fire Battle Cannon. On my first Knight I added a muzzle break to the end, with this one I’ve replaced the barrel entirely with the gun from a Baneblade Super-heavy tank.
My Knight Errant will be armed with a Thermal Cannon and a Thunderstrike Gauntlet. I like the look of the Thermal Cannon, but it always seemed a bit stubby for the range it has in the game. So I have elongated mine using the two spare Rapid-fire Battle Cannon barrels that I had.
The bottom-halves of both Knights are completely finished. I might add some more weathering powder once the whole model is assembled and then throw on a coat of Purity Seal though.
Current Size of the Unpainted Legion: 243 models.
Currently Reading: ‘Scars’ by Chris Wraight.

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