Saturday 30 May 2015

(004) Fisticuffs Wargames Show 2015.

I usually pop in to my local Toy Master once a week to pick up the latest White Dwarf magazine. A couple of weeks ago they had a stack of fliers on their counter for a wargames convention called ‘Fisticuffs’. ‘Fisticuffs’ was to be held on Saturday 30th May 2015 at Weymouth Pavilion. Weymouth isn’t too far from where I live so I decided to book the day off of work and attend.
I was a bit worried that it was going to cater only to older tabletop wargamers and focus entirely on historical wargames to the exception of all else. I didn’t think that there would be any representation of Warhammer, Warhammer 40K, Infinity, Malifaux, Star Wars X-Wing/Armada, or any of the “big brand” wargames that I collect or am interested in.
I expected to drop in, take a quick look around, and wander off, possibly to go and see a movie instead. Boy was I pleasantly surprised!
I ended up spending two hours walking around the convention hall, taking photos, chatting to cool people and buying models and terrain. I spent ages talking to the awesome guys from ‘7th Heaven Games’ about Malifaux and the new Batman Miniatures Game.
They had brought along a good selection of Malifaux and Infinity kits and it was good to see some of the brands and game systems I was interested in. I picked up a Malifaux set from them.

In my old age I am finding myself more curious about collecting and painting non-Games Workshop models and games, especially small-scale skirmish games. Apparently they’re going to start supplying ‘Raging Heroes’ models too, which is great because I’ve got my eye on a ‘Cruz – Heavy Gunner’.

There was a sizeable bring and buy table too. Which was where the only Games Workshop models were to be found. I would have loved to have seen a table running Warhammer and Warhammer 40K participation or demonstration games (perhaps next year!). I briefly considered a well assembled Stormraven Gunship for £20, but I remembered how long it took me to paint my last one (pictures on my Flickr account), and it’s always harder to paint/repaint a model that’s already assembled.
I ended up getting an absolute bargain on a box of Games Workshop ruined buildings terrain. I got a ‘Sanctum Imperialis’ and most of a ‘Shrine of the Aquila’ for £12. You can never have enough cool terrain!

I was talking to one of the guys running the ‘bring and buy’ table about not having anyone to play tabletop wargames with locally. He pointed me to the ‘Weymouth Warlords War-Game Club’ who were running a World War Two game. I think it was ‘Bolt Action’. I started talking to one of the guys and he told me about their club, they meet on Sundays in Weymouth and play between 11am and 5pm. They don’t play 40K regularly but they do have a couple of sporadic players.
I started asking about the game he was playing, it looked pretty cool and it had tanks in it, and I love tanks. It was a World War Two historical game and it was 28mm scale, the same as 40K. I’ve always pictured historical wargames as all being tiny scales like 15mm. At that size I’d rather disregard infantry altogether and just play with tanks.
He took me over to Entoyment’s trader stall to show me some of the model range. I’ve heard of Entoyment in Poole because their store is where the Poole Gaming Society has their games night and I’m a member of their Facebook group. I don’t get to Poole very often, but the next time I do I’ll try and drop in and check out Entoyment.
The guys on the Entoyment stall were great and they showed me a lot of the World War Two historical ranges, and I probably would have bought a starter set too if my backlog of unpainted models wasn’t already so large. We spent a while talking about painting too and how I could get quicker at it.
I thought that I was just going to drop in to ‘Fisticuffs’, find nothing of interest and wander off. Instead I spent two hours there and enjoyed myself immensely. I’ll definitely be going again next year if I can book the day off of work. Fingers crossed I’ll see more Games Workshop representation there next year.
All of the pictures I took at ‘Fisticuffs 2015’ can be seen on my Flickr account:
Current Size of the Unpainted Legion: 248 models.
Currently Reading: ‘The Guns of Tanith’ by Dan Abnett.

Friday 29 May 2015

(003) Hobby Progress. Project 001: Imperial Knights (Part II)

I booked a couple of days of holiday from work so that I can go to the Fisticuffs wargames show in Weymouth tomorrow. I’ve spent pretty much all day today painting and all I’ve achieved is finishing the feet of my two new Imperial Knights. Slowly, but surely they’ll start to come together though.
In other news my order from Element Games arrived on Wednesday. I was running low on ‘Skull White’ and ‘Chaos Black’ spray paint. I thought I would grab a can of ‘The Fang’ at the same time with a view to starting to paint my Space Wolves from the Stormclaw boxed set in the near future.
Current Size of the Unpainted Legion: 237 models.
Currently Reading: ‘Straight Silver’ by Dan Abnett.

Monday 25 May 2015

(002) Hobby Progress. Project 001: Imperial Knights (Part I)

It’s Bank Holiday Monday in the UK and I have spent the day working on my second and third Imperial Knights.

I absolutely love Games Workshop’s Imperial Knight model and I bought one last year when they were first released. You can see the pictures of it over on my Flickr account:
When I saw that they were releasing an updated Imperial Knight model with new weapon options, I ordered one straight away, and another of the original Knights too.
I bought them both from the excellent ‘Element Games’. They cost me £148.25 for the pair, but half of that was credit I had in my PayPal account. That doesn’t count as real money right?
I am painting one to match my first Knight and the other in Mechanicus colours, primarily because I am bored of painting things blue. But it also means that I can use that Knight for my Imperial and Chaos Space Marine armies, by using it as either loyal or Dark Mechanicus.
I am very pleased with how the pauldrons have turned out, but very unhappy with how little I achieved in a whole day. They were already base coated and the transfers applied when I started this morning.
I am a very slow painter. Which goes someway to explaining how the Unpainted Legion has grown to the size it has.
Current Size of the Unpainted Legion: 237 models.
Currently Reading: ‘The Guns of Tanith’ by Dan Abnett.

Saturday 23 May 2015

(001) Introduction.

Hello, my name is Paul. Welcome to my new blog ‘The Unpainted Legion’.
‘The Unpainted Legion’ is a hobby blog about tabletop wargaming, primarily focussed on Games Workshop and their Sci-Fi universe Warhammer 40,000. I hope to share my hobby progress with you, as my legion of unpainted models (hence the title of the blog) slowly become a painted, tabletop-ready army.
You can find photographs of some of the models I have already painted on my Flickr account. I will be adding more pictures as I make progress and finish projects.
I hope you enjoy following my progress and sharing this hobby with me.
Current Size of the Unpainted Legion: 237 models.
Currently Reading: ‘The Guns of Tanith’ by Dan Abnett.